Sunday, December 04, 2005

Thankful Rhythms

One of my favorite CD's ever is Enter the Worship Circle. It's acoustic sounds and earthy rhythms soften my search. As I was playing some of the songs on guitar this afternoon, I stumbled across one that I hadn't played in awhile: Come Fall on Us. With a fast-paced pick keeping time on the strings I found the words coming from my mouth fresher than they did the first time I sang it.
Come fall on us, we fall on you
A thankful heart will be our rhythm

Come fall on us, we fall on you
A thankful heart will be our song

I realize that in the midst of all my searching, wrestling, struggling, trying, I have not taken the time to allow a thankful heart to be my rhythm, my song. I guess I may be moving a little slower than most, since Thanksgiving was two weeks ago. But somehow I just couldn't, or didn't, slow down enough to be thankful and say thanks.

So, here goes (in no particular order, except the first one)

Thanks to my wife. She puts up with more stuff (mostly from me) than any woman I know. Her dedication to me and us is continually inspiring. Yet in the midst of it all, she always speaks so positively and highly about our relationship to others. Her heart makes me thankful.

Thanks to God for continually proving faithful even when I am not. We had 20 visitors in our Sunday Morning small groups this morning during student ministry. Not only that, but even better: one young man chose to place his faith in Jesus for salvation.

Thanks to Nick for being a man of God who draws me back to humility. You keep me grounded in my faith.

Thanks to Matt for being a listener. Man, I talk ALOT!!!! Thanks for not reaching across the table on Tuesday mornings and slapping me upside the head, even though I deserve it most times.

Thanks to my Family (David, Mary, Erin) for allowing me the space to be who I am, while encouraging me to be who God wants me to be.

Thanks to my In-laws (Mike, Pat, Kamille) for bringing an immense amount of laughter and joy into our lives.

Thanks to my Immanuel Family, for continuing to believe in a 25 year old boy whom you have chosen as one of God's leaders in our church.

Thanks again to God, for not allowing me to wallow in my navel-gazing, self-centered, prideful, confusing, escapist, broken life, but drawing me up from the pit of despair and clothing me with your own righteousness. May I continue to BE in it and lead others to do so as well.

What are some ways that you enter the thankful rhythms of life?

Reminds me of the nice yet sappy song from Mark Schultz(sp?), Cloud of Witnesses.

Glad that we can be part of this life with you.
You really are the emergent pastor.
I just wanted to say that I love the way you express yourself here in the blog and I look forward to reading more thoughts from your heart. I love you! K
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