Sunday, December 04, 2005

Wrestling: Disillusionment and Hope

Two unbelievable encounters over the past few days on the web. Not a lot of time to represent thoughts here. I had beaucoup turkey with friends and my wife's family. Props to my wife and mother-in-law for the preparation and delivery of some fantastic vittles! But suddenly our hero feels his powers weaking. What could it be? No! NO! NOT THAT! Not the dreaded tryptophan! But...must...deliver...links...

First is a Wrestling with Disillusionment. As happens at times, it comes from within my own denomination (SBC). The IMB has passed a new policy on prayer languages and baptism. I only want to point you in the way of resources to discern for yourself what to think and what must be done. Joe Kennedy is maintaining a great post with a running list of resources for this. I will hopefully be having an extensive conversation with one of the trustees about the guidelines, trying to come to a point of understanding and conversation. Right now, it just isn't making any sense.

Second is a Wrestling with Hope. I "stumbled" across this blog by Alex McManus that I think I have been needing to read for a long time. There was nothing accidental about my staying up late after too much turkey this afternoon. As much as it is may seem like a kowtow (yes that is spelled correctly!) to current pop-culture, it resonates with my being and journey to say that "Aslan is on the move..."

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